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National Quintessence

 Beijing Opera

Beijing Opera

     Beijing Opera (also Peking Opera), a typical representative of one of the most influential performance art styles in Chinese Quyi, has spanned over 200 years from its birth to its current maturity. Owing to its extremely prominent position in Chinese Quyi, Beijing Opera is hailed as the quintessence of China.

     In 1790, during the reign of Qianlong emperor of the Qing Dynasty,Anhui opera troupes were called into Beijing for performance.After that, Anhui opera started to absorb the nutrition of various local operas and folk art and finally evolved into its present form after experiencing decades of communication,merging and evolution.The period from 1840 to 1860 saw its regarded as the formation of Beijing Opera and the period from 1883 to 1918 saw its maturity,in which under the leadership of the leading  actor Tan Xinpei,Beijing Opera was innovated and promoted to a stage of a new level.The period after 1917 has witnessed its heyday with the emergence of varieties of schools and numerous talents.Sheng,Dan,Jing,Mo and Chou are five types of roles of Peking Opera. Among others,"Four Famous Dan Actors"with Mei Lanfang heading the list are well-known in China and innumerable actors of different types of roies with first-rate art have sprung like mushrooms.

      Besides,Beijing Opera is a highly integrated performance art form combining sing, narrate, perform and fight,the four fundamental skills.At the same time,the plays of Beijing Opera derive from materials of wide range,including literature, history, military, economy,politics and folk tradition and conventions.Additionally,Beijing opera is characterized by its unique masks.Beijing Opera masks serve two purposes.One is to indicate the identity and character of the role in the opera.For example,a "red face" means the person is loyal and brave,whereas a "white face"identifies the person as being crafty and evil.The other purpose is to experss people's appraisal of the roles,for instance, whether they are respectable or ridiculous.

Beijing Opera

      Today,playing a significant role in promoting cultural communication between the west and the east and transmitting Chinese culture,Beijing Opera has become an important medium in introducing and transmitting traditional Chinese art.In 2010, Beijing Opera was inscribed on UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Beijing Opera


Chinese Porcelain

       Porcelain is one of Chinese great inventions and treasure of the world.Porcelain evolves from pottery,going through a process from pottery,glazed pottery and to protoporcelain and eventually becomes what it is now.The earliest porcelain emerged in the Shang Dynasty(about 1600 BC- 1046 BC).Owing to the lower temperature and unadvanced technique, the porcelain made at this time was called"protoporcelain". After undergoing over 1600 years' improvement in technology,the porcelain stepped into the stage of maturity.The first porcelain in China was made in the Eastern Han Dynasty(25AD-220AD), whinch was called celadon.The Song Dynasty withessed the heyday of the porcelain,with well-known categories of porcelain and prominent kilns throughout most of the territory of China.

kind of Porcelain in China

      The main raw material of porcelain is porcelain clay,and the surface of the ware is vitreous glaze;both of the surface and the whole ware need to be fired at a high temperature.During Tang and Song Dynasties,porcelain was sold abroad,and thus China was called"a nation of porcelain".During Song and Yuan Dynasties,due to advanced technique,the porcelain industry was thriving and there emerged a city famous for making porcelain-Jingdezhen.During the Ming and Qing Dynasties,THE porcelain industry reached another peak.In ancient times,porcelain was mainly used as a vessel for holding articles in the folk,while in modern society,it is used especially for descoration.

     The invention of porcelain is regarded as the great contribution to the world civilization. "China"as a country and "china"as the synonym of porcelain attest to the truth that the ecquisite and marvelous porcelain has become a symbol of China.

kind of Porcelain in China


      Silk is a natural protein fiber and some forms of silk together with other fabrics can be woven into textiles.In ancient times, silk(cloth) was usually made from authentic silk threat spat by silkworms.China is said to be the first country in the world to have mastered the sericulture technology to produce raw material of silk cloth.According to Chinese legend,Leizu,Emperor Huang's wife,is the inventor of sericulture technology. Going through Shang,Zhou,and Qin Dynasties,the silk industry reached its peak in the Han and Tang Dynasties,especially after Zhang Qian was dispatched by Emperor Wu to the west region and expanded the Land Silk Road.During the Tang and Song Dynasties, the Maritime Silk Road became as crucial as the one on land,promoting the silk industry.

Chinese Silk

Chinese  Silk Road

      Silk as a kind of material is characterized by feeling comfortable, absorbing humidity, retaining warmth and protecting against ultraviolet rays.A an important garment fabric in ancient China,silk has been integrated into the long history and culture of the Chinese nation.Ithas influenced Chinese aesthetics and become the precious cultural memory and symbol of the Chinese nation.Silk,as a unique creation of China,is a gem of human civilization.The silk culture formed by silk occupies an important position in the long histoty of the Chinese nation.At present,as the trade along the Belt and Road thrives and Chinese cultural exchange deepens,the silk culture with the Silk Road as the carrier has played an increasingly significant role in politics,economy and culture.

Chinese  Silk

Kung Fu

      The term Kung Fu refers in particular to Chinese Kung Fu, a traditional Chinese martial art. Kung Fu has a long history in China. The Chinese Kung Fu can trace back to over 6,000 years ago, when men were taught to hunt and fight between different tribes. It is recorded that the expression"Kung Fu" first appeared in the Southern Dynasty(420 AD-589AD), which means military skills, and then evolved to today's martial art. Buddhism has long introduced the concept of "Kung Fu",which is defined as a way to improve oneself by "self-cultivation" together with Taoism, while Confucianism further explains "Kung Fu" by absorbing the essence of Buddhism and Taoism. Traditional Chinese religions represented by Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism endow Chinese Kung Fu with profound cultural deposits,reflecting Chinese wisdom and philosophy. Chinese Kung Fu has a complex system and is mainly divided into two schools, namely the school of Nei, and the school of Wai. Shaolin Kung Fu is one of the most important schools and components of Chinese martial art, which emphasizes the quality of being both strong and flexible, stresses the physical and mental improvement. In 1960s, Bruce Lee spread Chinese Kung Fu to the world through movie characters he acted, thus arousing a craze for Kung Fu among people all over the world, who were greatly shocked by its mystery. Even in today's society, Chinese Kung Fu is still taking the lead in the field of martial art. Besides,the influence of Chinese Kung Fu can be found in popular culture, poetry,fictions, movies and so on. The Chinese Kung Fu is now can integral element of Chinese culture, and it also has global appeal.
Kung Fu

Traditional Chinese Medicine

    Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), created by the Han Chinese, is a study of physiology, pathology, and diseases prevention and diagnosis. Such a profound influence did TCM have that the growth of traditional Japanese and Korean medicine was based on TCM.
      TCM came into being in the primitive society, and its theory was formed during the Spring and Autumn Period (770 BC-476 BC) and the Warring States Period (475 BC-221 BC). TCM made great progress in the Song Dynasty (960AD-1279 AD), and its theories became increasingly systematic and normalized. During the Ming (1368 AD-1644 AD) and Qing (1636 AD-1912 AD) Dynasties. TCM tended to be scientific. At that time, medical professionals improved the theory of TCM despite enormous pressure and difficulties.
      TCM focuses on yin, yang and five elements (metal, wood, water, fire, and earth), and views people as a combination of qi (the vital fluids and the energy itself that flows through human bodies), shape, and spirit. Through four methods of diagnosis, namely observation, auscultation, inquiry and pulse-feeling,doctors are able to know the nature, location, cause, and mechanism of the disease, and feel the changes in organs, channels, and joints. Through the above systematic examination, whether the disease is positive or negative can be judged and what exactly the disease is can be determined, so the specific treatment follows. Various techniques, including Chinese herbs, acupuncture, massage, cupping, and diet therapy, can be employed to balance yin and yang inside the patient, who will then get well gradually.
      In modern times, the trend of learning from the West once made TCM unpopular. However, it is making a comeback now. TCM in today's society not only inherits and develops the traditional customs, but also stresses the good use of advanced technology and absorb other countries' essence of medicine. Thanks to the publicity by the government, TCM has regained popularity among Chinese, and is even viewed as mysterious medical techniques by foreigners.


      Calligraphy is the writing law of characters and the artistic expression of the beauty of characters. Calligraphy is an important component of Chinese traditional culture, which is likened to wordless poetry, motionless dance, non-illustrated painting and silent music.


      The main body of calligraphy is Chinese characters, which are also the basis of its survival and development. Calligraphy emerged when Chinese characters were created. It exudes unique charm all the way from oracle bone inscriptions to Jinwen (inscriptions on ancient bronze objects) and Dazhuan (great seal characters) in the Western Zhou Dynasty (1046 BC-771 BC), to Xiaozhuan (small seal characters) and Lishu (clerical script) in the Qin Dynasty (221 BC-207 BC), and then to Caoshu (cursive script), Kaishu (regular script) and Xingshu (running script) in the Eastern Han (25 AD-220 AD), Wei and Jin Dynasties (220 AD-420 AD). The Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern (420 AD-589 AD) Dynasties saw the prime of calligraphy, during which many
excellent calligraphers and calligraphic works emerged, including The Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection by Wang Xizhi, Jizhi Wengao (Draft of the Eulogy for Nephew Jiming) by Yan Zhenqing, Ode to the Goddess of the Luo River by Wang Xianzhi, and Zhonglang Tie (a letter informing the receiver that a government official passed away )by Xie An.
      With the beauty of culture, calligraphy is a symbol of a nation's history, and a witness of the development and changes in politics, economy and ideology of a country. This traditional art sustains and records the cultural feelings and memories of every generation of the Chinese. In 2013,Chinese calligraphy was added to UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage List.

Traditional Chinese Painting

      Chinese painting, with a long history and distinct features, is an important part of Chinese culture and a treasure of the Chinese nation.

      Chinese painting appeared during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, the introduction of Buddhism injected fresh blood into it. Then, in the Tang Dynasty, Chinese painting flourished with representatives of Wu Daozi, Zhang Xuan, Han Huang and reached its peak in the Song Dynasty represented by many literati who were good at both calligraphy and painting such as Su Shi, Huang TingJian, Mi Fu and Cai Xiang. In the Yuan Dynasty, excellent painters including Zhao Mengfu and Huang Gongwang emerged with the rising tide of bringing calligraphy into painting. And in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, paintings of landscapes, birds and flowers were prized as the mainstream, while paintings relating to religion and portrait were on the decline. In the Qing Dynasty,the School of Yangzhou Painting created by Eight Eccentric Artists in Yangzhou had greatly influenced the painting of birds and flowers in modern China.

Traditional Chinese Painting

      The key feature of Chinese painting is "view the landscape with heart". The painters select which part of the object to be shown, and form the imagery through generalization and analysis, and then process it into an artistic image. Chinese painting is not confined to the similarity in the object's appearance, but focuses upon"similarity in spirit"and artistic conception.

Paper Cutting

     Chinese Paper Cutting is a folk art to create various designs or patterns with scissors or engraving knives for the decoration or ornament in various folk activities. As a traditional folk art, Paper Cutting is a very popular art with a very long history. The art of Paper Cutting was created almost at the same time with the birth of paper and has unique features. Paper Cutting creates a motley collection of designs and images, which contain rich cultural and historical information and, most importantly ,are loaded with common people's emotional pursuit and aesthetic sense. These Paper Cutting creations convey multiple meanings:emotional expression, meaning conveyance, entertainment, commemoration, communication and so on.
      The skills of Paper Cutting are easy to learn, and its tools and materials are readily accessible. The Paper Cutting creators are usually the ingenious and crafty folk women. The working scenes, images of some characters, animals and plants, folklores, auspicious designs and expectations for a better future are the Paper Cutting creators' favorite subjects. Traditional Paper-Cutting creation is not confined by time and space, because the flexible combination, coordination of the subjects within one space or different spaces can exhibit unique creative perspectives and expressive techniques.  Such free and whimsical creative techniques, which boast features of the times and reflect the connotation of humanity, are the reflection of working people's ideals and sentiments.

Paper Cutting

      The art of Paper Cutting is the crystallization of the wisdom and creation of the Chinese people. Till today, it still possesses its unique values of art and aesthetics. Today the craftsmen are creating works of art loaded with values of modern society with advanced technology, more creative skills and artistic techniques. As inheritors of the art of Paper Cutting, they are carrying forward its fine tradition and revitalizing it.


      The Crosstalk is a genre of folk Quyi involving mainly talking and singing. According to the records of ancient books, the Crosstalk can trace back to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. Later on, after a long-term constant integration with other forms of arts, the Crosstalk has become what it is today. The Chinese Crosstalk originated from Beijing,Tianjin and Nanjing and spread throughout the entire country.


      As one of the folk art forms in China, the Crosstalk has a close relationship with Pingshu (storytelling), Lianhualao (singing accompanied by the performer himself/herself with bamboo clappers), and Kuaiban (fast boards or bamboo talk). The term "crosstalk", originally known as "xiangsheng" in Chinese, means acts imitation, oral stunts, and farce. The main props of the Crosstalk include folding fans, handkerchiefs and gavel. It can be divided into various kinds: in terms of the number of performers, it can be divided into stand-up comedy, comic dialogue and group crosstalk; in terms of content style, it can be classified into Qingmen Crosstalk (with civilized words) and Shijing Crosstalk (popular among the public); in terms of the time when the script is written, it can be categorized into traditional crosstalk and modern crosstalk. Besides its major performance skills like shuo (talking), xue (imitating), dou (teasing) and chang( singing), Chinese Crosstalk requires instant reaction on the stage to make impromptu comic gestures or remarks. There are many schools of the Chinese Crosstalk, among which Ma Sanli, Hou Baolin, Liu Baorui are prominent Crosstalk performers in China.
       Currently, it's necessary for Chinese Crosstalk performers to stay rooted among the masses, follow the trend of the times, inherit traditional essence and embrace innovation to innovate. Only by doing so can they create works that are applauded by the public and satisfy their cultural demand. And only in this way can they inject new impetus to and reinvigorate this long-standing art.

Classical Chinese Music

      Classical Chinese music is played with traditional Chinese instruments in the form of solo or ensemble, which is a cultural treasure of the Chinese nation. It can date back to the era of Huangdi (2717 BC-2599 BC), the tribal leader of Huaxia and the creator of Chinese culture. After thousands of years of development, classical Chinese music now has wonderful melodies, various performance forms and unique folk styles, thus playing an important role in the world. Guqin (a plucked seven-string Chinese musical instrument of the zither family without moveable bridges), Bianzhong (or chime bells, an ancient Chinese musical instrument consisting of a set of bronze bells), Pipa(or Chinese lute, a four-stringed Chinese musical instrument, belonging to the plucked category of instruments), Guzheng (or Chinese Zither, another plucked string instrument of the zither family. But unlike Guqin, it has moveable bridges under each string.), and Erhu (or Urheen, a two-stringed bowed musical instrument, more specifically a spike fiddle) are important instruments of classical Chinese music. Music institutions were set up by the government as early as in the Zhou Dynasty, and subsequently, each Dynasty attached great importance to music collection, communication, absorption and innovation. Classical Chinese music pieces are too numerous to name, but the most famous ones are High Mountains and Running Water, Three Stanzas of Plum-Blossoms, Moonlit River In Spring, and Ambush from Ten Sides.

Classical Chinese Music

      Classical folk music is the medium for the ancient people to express their feelings combined with their circumstances and experiences, reflecting their thoughts, morality, feelings and pursuit for the nature. In addition, the music also contains thought-provoking values that people harbored at that time, which in return makes it more glamorous. With its charming tunes and arrangement, classical music cultivates people's sentiment, improves people's aesthetic taste, and more importantly, purifies the souls of those who live a life of the hustle and bustle of big cities today.

Chinese Tea Culture

    Tea culture, one of the representations of Chinese culture, refer to the cultural characteristics formed in the process of tea-drinking, including tea ceremony, tea virtues (health, happiness, refreshment, harmony, respect, beauty), tea spirits (purity, respect, harmony, truth), tea couplets, tea classics, tea sets, tea paintings, tea study, and stories and art of tea. With a wide variety, Chinese tea enjoys a long history, a wide variety and is well-known all over the world. The typical famous tea includes Longjing tea (a kind of green tea from Zhejiang Province), Pu'er tea (a kind of fermented tea of Yunnan Province), and Tieguanyin tea (a kind of oolong tea from Fujian Province). The further the Chinese tea culture develops, the more people understand it and accept its
     Chinese tea culture emerged as early as over 5,000 years ago, while during the Three-Kingdom Period (220 AD-280 AD), people paid more attention to its medical value. In the Tang Dynasty (618 AD-907 AD), tea-tasting became a liking for literati, who would, while drinking tea, recite poems with rhythm or write some poems to show how enjoyable it was. In this way, tea culture occupies an important place that makes Chinese culture a significant part in the world. Also, there are virtues of the Chinese nation in its tea culture. For example, when a guest arrives, it is a social convention for the host to entertain him by making some tea. Details as to how much tea to use, how the water is filled, how the tea is made, what utensils to use and where to serve the tea demand particular attention. Actually, Chinese people's elegance, tranquility, tolerance, and self-cultivation can be exhibited in the whole process.

Chinese Tea Culture

      Virtues like being self-disciplined and calm in Chinese tea culture has reinvigorated against the money-oriented society, while under the Belt and Road Initiative, tea culture also provides new business opportunities and development paths for China's economy.

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